Coplay Borough - Celebrating 150 Years
98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088

Borough Council

Coplay Borough Borough Council is the Chief Legislation body of the Borough of Coplay. Its seven members are re-elected at large for four year terms. Council has, but not by way of limitations, the following powers and duties.

  • To make appropriations, incur indebtedness and adopt the budget.
  • To adopt, amend and repeal an administrative code.
  • To levy taxes.
  • To fix the amount of bonds for officers and employees, which bonds shall be paid from borough funds.
  • To adopt by resolution all rules and regulations necessary for the governing of its own activities and procedures and for assuring the proper conduct of the business of the Borough.
  • To make or cause to be made, such studies, investigations or audits which it deems necessary or to be in the best interests of the Borough.

Council must be residents (minimum one continuous year preceding the election) and qualified voters of the Borough and must reside in the Borough throughout their terms of office.

Borough Council (Elected 4-Year Term)
   Louis Bodish    President 12/31/2025 610-261-1782
   Rick Kern    Vice President 12/31/2027 610-216-5182
   Todd Santoroski    Council Member 12/31/2027 610-417-0551
   Dean Hermany    Council Member 12/31/2027 610-762-9777
   Mick Dee    Council Member 12/31/2025 484-828-3214
   Tim Grohotolsky    Council Member 12/31/2025 484-767-5948
   Carl Luckenbach    Council Member 12/31/2025 610-390-4766

Borough of Coplay
© 2018 Coplay Borough, 98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088