Coplay Borough - Celebrating 150 Years
98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088


Coplay Borough Zoning / Building / Code Enforcement
The Borough Zoning Ordinance and Map regulates the use, intensity of use, size and location of buildings, and other structures, as well as establishing regulations for land use by trades, industry, recreation, and public activities.

The provisions of the ordinance address all use of property, whether commercial or residential, including, but not limited to buildings, fences, sheds, accessory structures such as garages/sheds, signs, swimming pools. The "Zoning Ordinance" is Chapter 27 of the Code of Coplay Borough.

You may review this Chapter and the entire Code in the Forms and Documents section of the website. For further information regarding the Zoning / Building Permit Process, also please refer to the Forms and Documents Section.

Zoning Hearing Board
The purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board is to help assure fair and equitable application and administration of the Zoning Ordinance by hearing appeals of the Zoning Officer's decisions and by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinance in certain hardship situations. The Board schedules hearings on applications and appeals, hears evidence, and issues written decisions or findings of fact.

The Zoning Hearing Board is comprised of five members appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Building Code
The State of Pennsylvania passed Act 45 of 1999 which established a Uniform Construction Code for any new construction within Pennsylvania. Coplay Board of Supervisors elected to administer and enforce the provisions of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code with Amendments to the Building Code in 2004.

Contact the Building Code Official to obtain a copy of the amendments.

For further information regarding the Zoning / Building Permit Process, also please refer to the Forms and Documents Section.

Borough of Coplay
© 2018 Coplay Borough, 98 South 4th Street / Coplay, Pa 18037 / 610-262-6088